My hopes have been dashed.  Windhoek is bad.  The saving grace is the Restaurant that we went to for dinner; Joe's Beer and Pub Place.  It had tonnes of carricture and a massive menu.  Does anyone remember 'Indiana and the Last Crusade' in one of the final scenes when the Knights Templar ghosty dude says, "He did not choose wisely"?  Well that dude was me.  I tried a Kudu (an African deer thing) Schnitzel.  I love schnitzels and that almost destroyed them for me.  I had a Springbok Schnitzel earlier and it was delicious.  I was devastated.
Driving was always going to be the difficult bit of this tour and now it has finally hit me.  Every time I get in the truck my body just shuts down and wants to sleep, pretty much like everyone else.  Or, or the Tetse fly has struck and got everyone.  And there is still a lot more to come ....