Pamukkale is the picturesque location in the middle of Turkey that you see on all the posters.  Over the years, calcium rich boiling water has bubbled up and produced these amazing looking natural 'infinity' pools that are almost too sureal to believe that they are true.  However over the years with all the extra tourism that this natural phenomenen has drawn it has badly affected the site.  No longer do you get water in the pools, as all the new development that had to happen with the increase in tourist, it had sapped the water dry.  Not all the water but enough to make the people in charge take some, in my opinion, drastic manoveures.  About 15 years ago they decided to ban people from entering the 'Hot Tubs', and then they have had to install taps and create channels to dicest water to all the different areas over Pamukkale.  The result is that each hour or each day the workers change where the water runs so that all of Pamukkale can still recieve some of the calcium needed to continue to 'grow'.  Obviously I was a little disappointed by it all but on reflection can understand why the autoritised did it.
The rest of the site, called Hierapolis, is another ruin of note in Turkey.  It is one of the most restored and documented sites that we visited and gave us a good insite into what these places once looked like.  The Theatre here was well restored by some Italian guy some years ago while the old Bath House still contains the hot water from the spring.  In fact an Earthquake (surprise, surprise) has made this pool very differnt indeed with statues and column lying in the pool making it a wonderful experience.  Audrey and I didn't do this one though as we forgot our bathers, actually we didn't know about it so we didn't forget our bathers, we just didn't take any.